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There are some things that diet and exercise just can’t do! If you’re struggling with trying to slim down the area under your chin or neck, you are not alone. A 2015 consumer survey by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery had over sixty-seven percent of respondents admit to being self-conscious about excess fat in the chin and neck area. Replenish RX is proud to help our patients eradicate that double chin. Kybella treatment is the only FDA-approved nonsurgical treatment available for chin and neck fat.



Kybella® is a prescription medicine used in adults to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat), also called, “double chin.” Kybella® is deoxycholic acid – a natural bile salt used to break down fat and destroys the fat cells when injected into the “double chin”. After treatment with Kybella®, the fat cells are destroyed. 

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